Li · Peiwen
Front-end Developer and Designer
Meticulous, user-centred, self-taught software engineer with 5+ years of proven experience to design and build premium B2B, B2C web apps; 4-year experience in art and design industry informs my practice in UI/UX design; moreover, the complementary masters degree in Art & Science makes me at ease working in interdisciplinary environments
- F/E: JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Vue, HTML, CSS, SASS, LESS, Styled Component, Webpack, Grunt, Ant Design, UmiJS, NextJS & other JS libraries and frameworks
- B/E: NodeJS, Express, Koa, Python, Django, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, AWS
- DataVisualisation: CytoscapeJS, Apache ECharts, Plotly, Matplotlib
- Software: Photoshop, AdobeXD, AutoCAD, SketchUp
Solutions Architect | Front-end Engineer | UX Designer
Key Responsibilities
- Work alongside Industry Solutions Architect team to create new and to improve existing demos and guidances across multiple industries including Auto, Gaming, MFG, FSI etc., leveraging GenAI capabilities on AWS
- Keep improving existing guidances' interfaces by implementing and promoting the design thinking methodology
- Work closely with account team, provide consultancy to optimize user experience
- Work in an agile environment with weekly stand-ups
Key Achievements
- Develop and improve the UI/UX of over a dozen star demos and guidances displayed on AWS GCR Summit, Shanghai (year 2023 and year 2024)
- The Knowledge Base with RAG guidance attracts customers around the globe. By the end of 2023, it became one of the most popular guidances on AWS
Front-end Engineer | UX Designer
Key Responsibilities
- Worked in an agile environment with weekly stand-ups
- Created new apps using React, TypeScript, Ant Design, ECharts, LESS for Site Reliability Engineering team to monitor or remediate pool health
- Upgraded projects to the latest React technology stack with improved performance and maintainability
- Added new features to projects based on feedbacks from the clients (Technology Duty Officers), constantly improving the usability of the apps
- Fine-tuned the ways in which relevant data was visualised in graphs
Key Achievements
- Modernised Root Cause Analysis System with reusable declarative TypeScripted React components in optimised compositional structures
- After a couple of months I took over the RCA project, the clients claimed that the usability of the app had been drastically improved, and the appearance was much more polished
Front-end Engineer | UX Designer
Key Responsibilities
- Customised UmiJS, a React framework, to provide technology solutions for a data sharing platform; also employed Ant Design and LESS for styling, Grunt for compiling and minifying LESS files for light and dark themes
- Collaborated with PM and the UI team to analyse user's needs, producing high fidelity wireframes, striving to elevate the starting point of the UX
- Assessed UI designs for technical feasibility
Key Achievements
- Completed a frontend architecture to facilitate B2B Private Data Computing and Safely Sharing with an extendable authentication (user-role based) system and a machine-learning job management system
Front-end Developer | Lead UI & UX Designer
Key Responsibilities
- Carried out competitive research; collaborated with project managers to create interactive prototypes with AdobeXD
- Built innovative web systems in an agile team with TypeScript, React, Ant Design, LESS, UmiJS, Apache ECharts; deployed with Docker
- Designed 20+ API contracts using YApi and MockJS for fast-paced sprints
- Led weekly UI inspection meetings to revise/improve UI/UX
- Maintained an existing investment platform built with Vue, added 3 new pages and features
Key Achievements
- A brand new project - Tactical Trading System - reached its alpha phase after one month of design and six months of development for a dev team of 5. It has now become one of the feature products of the company.
- Designed a flashy SPA for displaying and monitoring daily investment data for Bank of Communications; being the key liaison with the client, I led a dev team of 3 to build and install the app within a month
Full-stack Developer | UI & UX Designer
- Designed wireframes and interactive prototypes with AdobeXD
- Built approved UI with HTML, CSS, SASS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, React
- Built back-end with Python, Django framework and PostgreSQL
- Improved the UX of an app iteratively based on analysed feedbacks
- Portfolio:
Art and Design Instructor (after-hours Web Developer)
32 amongst total 34 of my students successfully secured offers from prestigious art institutions across UK, France, US, Canada, Australia. While helping my students embark on their journey, for consistently growing interests, I had been studying programming at the same time, in fact since 2015. I started to build websites with Python frameworks.
Volunteer Interpreter
Translated over 100 copies of Chinese minority music manuscripts. It was a privilege to have participated in the dissemination of Chinese minority culture on the international stage
Interior Designer | Project Coordinator
Started off as a project coordinator, soon worked my way up, designing the whole project, delivering numerous projects (more than 5000 sqm in total). The universal design patterns and principles I learned back then are still applicable to the UI/UX design now.
Frontend Programmer Certificate, UI Design Practice
FreeCodeCamp, Interaction Design Foundation
Online / self-taught
2014 - 2016 in Art and Science
Central Saint Martins, University of Arts London
London, UK
2013 - 2014
csvpa.comPre MA.
Cambridge School of Visual and Performing Arts
Cambridge, UK
2009 - 2011 - Interior Design
Shanghai Normal university
Shanghai, China
2006 - 2010 - Intelligent Building Facility Technology
Tongji University
Shanghai, China
Other Perks
- Fluent in English (IELTS 8/9), native Mandarin speaker
- Swim, read, play piano, travel and take photos in my free time