This presents Peiwen Li as a software engineer as well as a UI UX designer
- fullStack
- blog
Technical Sheet
- TypeScript, JavaScript(no more), NextJS, React-markdown, Framer-motion, Styled-components, React-spring(no more)
- MongoDB, PostgreSQL(no more)
- Django_RESTful(no more)
About this project
The aesthetic changes over the years. The tech evolves. The project perhaps should be called '' for better identification since the domain name was changed, for the fact that I am now clearer than ever of who I am.
This website ( employs MongoDB instead of PostgreSQL to store my journals/blogs (just would like to try something new). And I choose Framer-motion over React-spring, for its minimalistic API and less resource consumption for the similar effects that React-spring offers. I also built a hidden log in mechanism and a journal creator/editor just for my personal use. was first released in 2020. The website powered by Django RESTful api serialised feed of data for the frontend handled by Create-react-app. I implemented PostgreSQL for content management and it worked seamlessly with Django's default backend management system GUI. It was hosted on AWS Lightsail VPS. This was a great starting point.
Second release was in 2021. It was rewritten with NextJS so that the whole website was generated statically. Django RESTful API was great, however, I wanted to explore the full potential of frontend SPA as well as my newly learned skills.
Project duration: 2021-01 - 2022-07
- GitHub source files:HTTPS://GITHUB.COM/LD8/DONLEE